Friday, February 29, 2008


Well, I'm back in the southern hemisphere, but this time I'm in sunny Melbourne! We just arrived today after a 15 hour flight. I'll be working here for 2 weeks, and then I'll be hanging around for another 6 days to check out the city. I'm super super excited. It's in the 60's here and gorgeous right now. I've got a couple of friends from Gold Arrow Camp, where I used to work, living in town, so I'm excited to get to catch up with them.

We're staying across the street from a big park, which is nice. So far my only impressions of Australia are that Melbourne seems to be a pretty, clean city. Also, it's nice (and not what I'm used to) to be in a foreign country and still be able to speak English. I realized a little belatedly that I didn't need to be anxious to talk to strangers, because everyone can understand me!

Well, I have to run - literally. Gotta stick to my triathlon training schedule.
